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Austin barber provides haircuts for homeless

Braving the heat, covered beneath the shade of Interstate 35's overpass at 7th Street, barber Roger Lopez gives free haircuts to the homeless every last Sunday of the month.

Braving the heat, covered beneath the shade of Interstate 35's overpass at 7th Street, barber Roger Lopez gave free haircuts to the homeless Sunday.

It’s what barber Roger Lopez spent his afternoon doing as a public service in downtown Austin Sunday.

"I have experienced moments of being without, being left out -- not being able to provide for myself or my family," Lopez said.

Lopez said he wants to let them know there is hope.

He provides haircuts in Downtown Austin every last Sunday of the month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

"I'm doing it because I want somebody to receive,” Lopez said. “To be able to get a haircut and feel confident enough to walk into an interview and say, 'Hey – I’m ready to work.'"

One of those he helped was Sammy Nutall. His message to Lopez?

"Thank you for taking your time out of your day,” Nutall said. “You could have gone to church with your family, or you could have visited somebody else. But you came to take your time out and cut hair."

Sterlyng Jourdon also volunteered his time to help, because he said he was once homeless himself.

"Any time that anyone (or a) small business wants to come out and help the homeless or people that are indigent look better or do better to progress in life, I think we all have a responsibility,” Jourdon said. “As well as an obligation to go out and make each other's community experience better."

Lopez said he was inspired by a San Antonio barber who did something similar. Lopez said he chose to give haircuts because it helps improve homeless people's presentation.

"I'm a lucky person to be able to do this,” Lopez said.

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